Tuesday, August 19, 2008


What is Reiki?

Reiki (Ray Key) is a practical HANDS ON HEALING system that does not go against any religion and is easy to practice once learned. The word Reiki is a Japanese term meaning Universal (Spiritual) Life Force Energy. The word is actually two words combined. The first word Rei means, “God’s wisdom” or “Higher Power” and Ki means, “life force energy” so when the two words are combined you get Life Force Energy originating from God or a Higher Power whichever you so choose to call the first cause of all things. As a hands on healing system the practitioner acts ONLY as a CHANNEL for this Universal Life Force energy to flow through. We neither generate
this energy nor do we direct it...................

If You Want To Be A Reiki Chenal Then call Kapil Dev at 09888239887

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