Friday, September 18, 2009

download online flash games,videos songs with opera browser

From a long time i was searching any trick to save online games,videos and songs from internet. last month i was trying to save content from cache of browser after some tries and searching in internet i found some posts that require some softwares but with opera browser we can save these files without any additional software.

Step 1.Install Opera Browser.
  you need to install opera browser

Step 2.Delete Private Data

In tools menu of Opera Browser Select Delete Private Data.
Click delete.

Step 3.Go to Page.
Paste the link or type url of the page just after Deleting Private Data.

Step 4.Wait
Wait for sometime and let the video or game download completely.

Step cache in new tab
Open a new tab and click on
tools menu >advanced>cache

find the largest files(in most cases) or appropriate file with your own understanding from the cache which is your file(Game or video etc)
Step 6.Save linked content
Right click on item and click on "save linked content as"

Step 7. Almost done
Check the extension of file if its correct save it otherwise sometimes it doesnt show extention then save it with appropriate extension like .flv,.swf,.mp4,.wav,.mp3 etc

to run on-line flash game see my post on Embedding Flash file in a web page

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